Green Columbus’ Sixth Annual Fall Tree Giveaway
This fall, Green Columbus will be hosting its 6th annual tree giveaway in an effort to increase the urban forest of Columbus. We will be hosting three free tree giveaways to distribute hundreds of 3-gallon native trees to Columbus residents. Residents can choose from a variety of species — red oak, hackberry, tulip poplar, river birch, black cherry, and sycamore — all of which are native to Ohio and support native plants and animals. Trees are grown in our tree nursery in Linden, Ohio.
A vital part of Green Columbus’ mission is equity. The tree canopy in Columbus varies widely from city to city and can result in temperature differentials of up to 13℉. This year, giveaways will be hosted in the East Side/Linden (1142 E 17th Ave), the West Side/Franklinton (Dodge Community Center), and the South Side (Barack Community Center), communities with some of the lowest tree equity scores in the city. A tree equity score is a number ranging from 0-100 that represents how well an area is delivering equitable tree canopy cover to all its residents. It is calculated using tree canopy cover, climate, demographic, and socioeconomic data. The lower the score, the greater priority for immediate tree planting. Currently, Linden is sitting at 27% while both the South Side and Franklinton are at 13% canopy cover, with a goal of 50% in each area.
Trees offer an abundance of benefits, but one of the most important ones is shade. As a result, all saplings distributed by Green Columbus will eventually grow into large canopy trees, chosen to best provide shade, ecological services, and climate change mitigation. Trees are 4+ feet tall at time of giveaway and are guaranteed to fit in personal vehicles.
Giveaways span from September 29th to October 13th. East Side residents should mark September 29th on their calendar, while West Side residents can write down October 6th and South Side residents October 13th. Those located within the Columbus Metro Area can reserve a free tree on our website starting August 1st!
Ultimately, Green Columbus is working to eliminate cost barriers associated with planting trees and increase urban tree canopy in communities suffering from extreme heat and climate-related costs and illnesses. Help us by spreading the word and picking up trees on September 29th, October 6th, and October 13th!